Signwell 30 years knowledge of maritime safety signage systems
Signwell is your partner for newbuilding- and refurbishment projects world-wide. We take care of the entire process. Everything from planning to realisation of our 3L-EP™ Electrically powered Low
Location Lighting Systems or 3L-PL™ Photoluminescent Low Location Lighting systems. Our team will do the engineering and layout and produce the LLL in our production facilities, for us to adequately
realise your deliveries and projects. We produce the LLL system by appropriate quality requirements, to endure the environment and desired life span. Our professional installation team specialized in 3L-EP™ Electrically Powered-/ and 3L-PL™ Photoluminescent Low Location Lighting Systems, will take care of the implementation.
Implementation of an effective safety
signage system onboard cruise ships
and ferries is crucial to bring passengers
and crew to safety in case of an emergency.

A story about implementing escape
route signage onboard cruise ships or
ferries will sound like a technical job to
many. A large amount of exit signs, stickers
and strips, but not something that
requires a lot of thinking. Even today on
cruise ships and ferries we can still see the lack of safety signage and the knowledge
behind it, LED signage and or photoluminescent
or, on the contrary, a jungle of
exit signs and stickers that all scream for
attention, sometimes with conflicting messages,
where the essential safety message
is lost in the crowd.

When the subject is safety signage
onboard a cruise ship, for many that
equals to Exit Signs, without any distinction
between primary and alternative
escape routes as defined in the ships mandatory escape plan. The specialism in the
field of escape route signage however, is
not to hang (or omit) as many exit signs
as possible. Attention should be paid to
the connection between the Escape Plan
and the signage guiding passengers to the
assembly stations: those are the locations
where passengers must be accommodated,
where the life jackets are and where
controlled embarkation can be organized
systematically if necessary. A single exit
sign on board a ship is as meaningless as
a jungle of faulty exit signs screaming for attention, because as a passenger, where
do you have to go? The answer is simple:
the destination should always be the
assembly station.

An effective escape route signage system
consists of a Low location lighting system
(Electrically Powered/Photoluminescent
or both), combined with safety signage
according to the standard applied
at eye level, electrical signs, signage indicating the way to the assembly station(s)
and instructions for guests and personnel
(in the cabins and common areas).
SOLAS Chapter II-2 Regulation 13 Means
of Escape: 3.2.5 Marking of Escape Routes.

The goal of an engineered escape
route signage system, is to increase the
effectiveness of the evacuation process.
Cruise ships are complex architectural environments. Are passengers and staff
aware of the layout of the ship, do they
know where the lifeboats are located? For
safety reasons, an effective escape route
signage system is not complete without
clear instructions and training; for passengers
and personnel.

Martin Holmstrom,
Managing Director, Owner: Signwell and
Chairman of the board: FSSA
For many years, the cruise industry has
been using safety signage made of (toxic)
PVC, or low-quality plastics. With the environment
in focus, we at SIGNWELL use a
new type of PVC free signage, The New
Generation IMO Signs.
Our IMO signs are innovative and
environmentally friendly, UV-resistant,
PVC-free, Halogen-free and 100% recyclable.
Our goal is simple; We wanted to
use the most environmentally friendly,
flame-retardant, UV-resistant, transparent and 100% recyclable plastic material.
Therefore, SIGNWELL have implemented
the New Generation IMO signage range,
which has more advantages than any other
IMO signs on the market.

We conclude that Safety Signage Systems
are more than just a collection of
exit signs and just doing what is urgently
needed in order to meet the requirements
of an inspection or classification society.
Safety Signage Systems is a work for professionals.
With SIGNWELLS turn-key service,
we take care of the project from start
to finish. We map the needs for safety signage
on fire and escape routes. Furthermore,
Signwell is a DNV certified Low
Location Lighting System inspector 3L-SI™
and carries a wide range of SOLAS safety
products in order to increase your safety
More information:
FSSA is part of the International
Ship Suppliers & Service
FSSA (SLY, Suomen Laivakauppiaitten
yhdistys ry.) is a fully recognized
and integrated member of the ISSA,
International Ship Suppliers & Service
Association, which headquaters
are based in London, UK. ISSA has its
presence in 51 countries, 500+ Ports
Locations, 1500+ Members and 40
National Associations.

Maritime safety signage systems
Implementation requires professional expertise
- Professional installation